Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 9: Hunger gets in

Not too much to say about my 9th day apart that I'm starving!
My lunch today went pretty badly PCP wise... I couldn't really manage to get steamed, unseasoned stuffs (I didn't dare to ask) so I forced myself to resist the exquisite food and managed to pretend I was eating...the result though is that I’m literally starving now! I had an apple as an evening snack and ate it to the applecore!
Exercises went smoothly, however I really am concerned about getting too muscly on the upper-body and legs. I have big enough bones and muscles already from when I was doing gymnastics and definitely don't want to worsen the situation...
Patrick what do you say about that? Any tips?
Looking forward to the video with the answers to all our questions...

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