Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 10: PCP=NLP or No-Life-Project

It's past 10pm and I'm just done with my exercises which means another short-night sleep and and another try-not-to-fall-asleep-on-the-desk day!
After work I went grocery shopping (again!) and then before I could start my workout I had a friend coming over and my PCP schedule was disrupted and postponed till now...
Exercises were ok, not too bad but I'm definitely growing concerned about all these pull-ups-push-ups-thumbs-ups which I feel, are making my arms puffer than they already are!
I don't know about the legs about I guess it's pretty much the same...
Is it just me or all the other women out there have the same concern?
Lunch was definitely hard to swallow; the insipid chicken and tasteless rice were worst than a bad medicine!
Guess I will have to switch to more and better flavored food..
Good night everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Arianna,

    I suspect that the puff you're feeling is related to the blood flow to that area during training. Usually goes down after an hour or so - Over time you'll loose body fat and arms will be more toned.... I don't think they'll get big and buff, the girls that get that i suspect do a lot of training on their arms - probably more then what's recommened by Patrick... There's also that small percentage that are pre dispositioned to bulk up easily...

    On the groceries, it's defintely something you're going to have to get used to. kind of thing you have to learn to love or it'll just eat away at you... Postive thoughts :-) I usually try and do big shop at the start of the week and plan things on how long they'll last in my fridge...

    Good Luck and Stay Strong...
