Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 5: Morning session and the fear of the flatmate

So for the first time since I started PCP (only 5 days ago) I had a morning session as it's Saturday and I have plenty of time on my hand. The jumps were better than yesterday, no tripping but those 10jumps more were definitely a burden!
After the jumps on the roof I came back to the apt where my nice flatmate was still sleeping....
I tried to do my exercises as quiet as possible, fearing he would open the door and found me in a weird position...! Haha I would imagine the embarrassment!
Anyways luckily this time he stayed in bed who knows tomorrow...
I definitely hate the pushups but I'm doing better already. Squats and sit-ups are fine for now!
Keep it up everyone; I'm sure you're all feeling better already!
Off to some PCP shopping!
Cheers x

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