Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 7: This is it!

Ok guys, this is it! I hope you all had one last meal composed by all those things you WON'T be able to eat for the next 83 days and probably, ever again!
I personally bought all those little things I always see in the shops coming back home and I always wanted to try but never find the occasion...I obviously only had half of it!
Then, after some grocery shopping (only managed to buy some apples, some mangos, 2 courgettes and 1 eggplant - for some reasons vegetables in HK are not so tempting and don't look very tasty) I did my 500killer jumps but didn't manage to do them all at once, had to split in half.
Tomorrow is going to be much harder 600jumps plus all the killing exercises- OMG!
I think I'll be forced to wake up early and do at least the jumps if not tomorrow night I'll regret it big time!
I cooked the vegetables for tomorrow but then I realized I didn't have any kind of seasoning - no pepper or other species. I wonder if the secret of the PCP is make you dislike food so that you stop eating!! :) (just kidding, Patrick I read ur email about skipping meals and learned the lesson, no worries)
So I'm settled for breakfast but didn't buy any proteins or carbs for tomorrow's lunch-Bugger!
Guess will have to find some last-minute solution tomorrow.
Anyways, I feel weird today, very motivated on one hand and absolutely not on the other. I feel like I will never make it! But then I think about future benefits and the fact that most of the clothes in my wardrobe don’t fit me anymore…so I tell myself "You HAVE to do it"!
It'd be nice to have a PCP delivery food service though...haha it would make things so much easier. Could definitely be a business idea... :)

Good luck everyone.
PC? Bring it On!


  1. Hey Arianna, I definately agree with you on having a PCP delivery took us AGES to prepare our dinner/ lunch last night in between weighing and washing...our kitchen looked like it had been hit by an earthquake !!!
    Hope u managed to get ur lunch sorted for today.
    Keep up the good work ! :-)

  2. Hi Arianna, you will absolutely make it. You'll adjust to the PCP within a couple of weeks and get into your groove. When you start to notice the changes in your body, you won't want to do anything differently.
