Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 6: dealing with a hangover...

Today was very hard. I went out last night till late..went to bed at 5 and this morning I just couldn't wake up! My body was irresponsive to my brain's messages and kept snoozing my alarm until 2pm.
I forced myself into my gym suit and slowly walked to the roof. I was feeling very dizzy and my head was spinning as if I was hangover even though I didn't drink last night..
Every jump was as if my brain was screaming in my head, it  was hurting so much! I thought I would never make it... Somehow I made to the end but my headache got worse and worse throughout the day and I feel like s***t now.
The rest of the exercises were fine. I feel I’m getting better at push-ups already which is great because I've always been hopeless.
I also went PCP shopping today and bought myself a nice electronic scale for food and one for myself but couldn't find the resistance bands Patrick asked for. I literally went into 20 sport shops but none seems to have them. I've been told that they are "unfashionable" and that none uses them anymore so it's hard to find them!
I also bought some nice pink tupperwares for tomorrow's lunch even though i don't know what to put inside them yet... (Patrick??!!)

So this is more, alcohol, deserts, chocolate, pasta (all the good stuff) for the next 3 months........ouch!



  1. Resistance bands... Try sogo in causeway bay... They had a bunch in three different levels

  2. HI Arianna - I'm in the group ahead of you. I found good resistance bands and an ok jumprope at the sports shop in Prince's Building in Central if you're still looking.

  3. You will feel so good that you won't miss the alcohol, deserts, chocolate or huge pasta servings. Promise!

    As for resistance bands, they do go in and out of fashion so it's hard to find sometime. Good luck with your search.
