Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 71: "Nice & Easy"

I felt very guilty after a whole week-end of indulgence and no-workout so yesterday I increased my jumprope to 30min which was "nice & easy" and on top of that I finally tried the legen-wait for it-dary 8mins abs video and it definitely went "nicely & easely"! the guy is a legend, so 90s!

Today I did the same, another 30mins in a row of jumps, followed by the rest of the workout. The arms exercises (shoulders, forearms..) remain my enemies, I loathe them, probably because I suck! and after few sets I am exhausted! So today getting to failure point wasn't difficult but had to force myself beyond that point otherwise I would've gave up at rep #5!
Abs are still my favorite and again after the daily amount I continued with the 8mins.

To be honest the amazing results I had started to see around day 45 are now stagnating and it's very frustrating! I have to admit it is also my fault as I haven't strictly following the diet these past few days but almost never missed a workout and often did more than asked. So I really don't get it!
Also haven't now to eat prot & veggies at dinner time instead of my standard apple and yogurt is kind of annoying- while only few weeks back I was hoping for that to happen, now I wish I could stick to previous regime!
What's wrong with me??!
I really don't want this to end, so I believe I will continue with diet & jumprope even after day 90 as I'm not where I want to be yet (still lot of fat hanging in here!).

I will try to put up some pics if my flatmate will be kind enough to take them!

Have a nice week everyone and happy Buddha day!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 65: Jetlagged & Exhausted

I just realized I haven't been writing in almost 2 weeks. The main reason was lack of time, lack of inspiration and big time laziness due to my holiday-mental status! And also lack of a normal routine because I wanted to take the most out of my time in Tel Aviv. Hence, I had been going out until early morning for the past 2 weeks! Keeping up with the strict diet was therefore not very feasible; I would sometimes have breakfast after having been out all night or often had to skip meals! 
On the other hand I managed to keep up with the exercises and in addition to the jumprope I went running everyday for 30-40 min by the beach at sunset while enjoying the landscape! https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgBLpumsLfBnGGOHNF0ilXs49gIQJmV9Ups9wa_u-H1uKaiYCGw7NK-KQuocAAvJ2VmfJvEt4l-ob1ial5Mw6NCx5EQaHMYr67z5Cl0p5QF7iZU2ijJLtEUsfaS6znOBawmA-r1QXftlM0/s320/IMG_0920.JPG

Also temptation caught me a few times and I let myself go a bit too much. But I was on holidays and I kept thinking that "We only live once" and I wanted to enjoy those happy times with family and friends before coming back to my miserable life in Hong Kong!
So this bring me back to today, first day of my unmissed routine: grocery shopping, cooking, workout and hopefully bed soon as I'm exhausted!!
After a 3 weeks break getting back the rhythm won't be easy. But I really am happy to still have the PCP to keep me going as it keeps my mind/soul&body occupied!